In India, school safety is governed by various guidelines and frameworks form the central and state governments, such as the National Disaster Management.
Authority’s School Safety Policy and the National Education Policy, which emphasize creating a safe and supportive learning environment
Creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for disaster management in schools involves several critical points to ensure the safety and well-being of students, staff and visitors. Here are some key SOP points adopted by the school:-
Formation of a Disaster
Management Committee
Established a committee comprising school staff, including the principal, teachers, and administrative staff.
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Clearly marked evacuation routes in case of disasters.
Updated contact information of local emergency services.
Installed an alarm system for different emergencies (fire alarms, public address systems).
Installed CCTV camera.
Emergency Drills
Conducted drills for the disaster.
Educated students about disaster preparedness, including how to respond in different scenarios.
Coordination with Local Authorities
Displayed emergency numbers for communication with local police, fire departments and medical services.